

Please Select a Classification Method for Browsing Cyclic Peptides

Peptides Classified by Data Source

Source Name Version Entries
ALL 8,466
(1)  2006_Rezai_1 1.0 10
(2)  2006_Rezai_2 1.0 11
(3)  2011_White 1.0 10
(4)  2012_Rand 1.0 16
(5)  2013_CHUGAI 1.0 878
(6)  2013_Zaretsky 1.0 2
(7)  2014_Nielsen 1.0 4
(8)  2015_Ahlbach 1.0 34
(9)  2015_Bockus_1 1.0 16
(10) 2015_Bockus_2 1.0 17
(11) 2015_Hewitt 1.0 18
(12) 2015_Lewis 1.0 2
(13) 2015_Marelli 1.0 10
(14) 2015_Nielsen 1.0 3
(15) 2015_Schwochert 1.0 13
(16) 2015_Wang 1.0 62
(17) 2016_Fouché 1.0 15
(18) 2016_Frost 1.0 12
(19) 2016_Furukawa 1.0 688
(20) 2016_Hickey 1.0 18
(21) 2016_Schwochert 1.0 8
(22) 2017_Boehm 1.0 14
(23) 2017_Price 1.0 2
(24) 2017_Pye 1.0 21
(25) 2018_Buckton 1.0 19
(26) 2018_CHUGAI 1.0 374
(27) 2018_García-Pindado 1.0 4
(28) 2018_Kaneda 1.0 7
(29) 2018_Lee 1.0 6
(30) 2018_Naylor 1.0 81
(31) 2018_Ramalho 1.0 10
(32) 2019_Ono 1.0 8
(33) 2020_Barlow 1.0 26
(34) 2020_Furukawa 1.0 36
(35) 2020_Hosono 1.0 11
(36) 2020_Le Roux 1.0 47
(37) 2020_Townsend 1.0 3,086
(38) 2021_Comeau 1.0 42
(39) 2021_Golosov 1.0 27
(40) 2021_Kelly 1.0 1,519
(41) 2021_Lee 1.0 5
(42) 2021_Wang 1.0 24
(43) 2022_Bhardwaj 1.0 136
(44) 2022_Lee 1.0 24
(45) 2022_Saunders 1.0 11
(46) 2022_Taechalertpaisarn 1.0 52
(47) 2022_Tamura 1.0 12
(48) 2023_Ghosh 1.2 36
(49) 2023_Ohta 1.2 584
(50) 2023_Tanada 1.2 38
(51) 2024_Bergeron 1.2 3
(52) 2024_Faris 1.2 234
(53) 2024_Kage 1.2 36
(54) 2024_Koch 1.2 54
(55) 2024_Ly 1.2 20
(56) 2024_Otani 1.2 10

  • CycPeptMPDB currently contains 7,991 structurally diverse cyclic peptides collected from 56 literature.
  • Some peptides overlapped in structure between different literature and had different membrane permeability measurements, they were recorded as separate data in CycPeptMPDB (there were 8,466 peptides including duplicated structures).

Peptides Classified by Assay Type

Assay Type Measurements
ALL 8,880
(1) PAMPA 7,298
(2) Caco2 1,332
(3) MDCK 64
(4) RRCK 186

  • All measured values were recorded when there were measurements by multiple assays in one literature. Therefore, the sum of the number of data in each subset when classified by Assay Type is greater than the total number.

Peptides Classified by Monomer Length

Monomer Length Entries
ALL 8,466
(1)   2 4
(2)   3 69
(3)   4 55
(4)   5 88
(5)   6 2,167
(6)   7 2,071
(7)   8 120
(8)   9 423
(9)  10 1,777
(10) 11 675
(11) 12 632
(12) 13 234
(13) 14 125
(14) 15 26

Peptides Classified by Molecule Shape

Molecule Shape Entries
ALL 8,466
(1) Circle 5,530
(2) Lariat 2,936

  • Circle: cyclization position is the N- and C-terminal of sequence.
  • Lariat: cyclization position is not at the terminal of the sequence (one or more monomers in the side chain).